I started this morning to watch and listen to Youtube videos of Howard Thurman. I have often seen his books on my suggested Amazon reading list but with the structure of PhD studies I have tried to basically focus on what will actually go in my dissertation for the time being. At this point, I just have to finish writing the dissertation so I have been free to read and write generally what I want. Listening to Thurman speak has been a real treat. I have also started rereading James Cone so for the last week my love of theology has been renewed somewhat. There are a number of Youtube videos featuring Thurman but an interview where he reflects on his life is amazing and grabbed my attention. I was simply glued to my computer screen when Thurman talked about his meeting with Gandhi. There is just so much important history here (of course it is the kind typically missing in History class). The way Gandhi requested to hear the hymn below "Were You There" from Thurman's group illustrates the way Christianity as generally practiced among the British could never be an option for him. When I have students read Gandhi's biography and see his discussion on religion they have a hard time identifying with him. How can he like Jesus but see Christians as hypocrites they often ask? The dynamic of colonialism is something I and my students can never truly understand and no manner of apologetics can convince someone of Gandhi's experience that official Christianity has too many problems to be profitable for his cause. However, like Bonhoeffer, Gandhi recognized the authenticity of Black theology. I thought it interesting that Gandhi would have thought that they would turn out to be attracted to Islam instead (good point for those out there that paint a negative picture of Muslims). However, as the conversation developed the theme of human suffering and misery found in the crucified Christ is what linked Gandhi and Thurman (and Bonhoeffer, King). On another level, this discussion also reminded me of my general dislike of Christian music. I actually enjoy older hymns and spirituals because of the identification with the suffering Christ (granted, a lot of hymns are also NOT very good). I have seen Black, Hispanic communities that can identify with the gospel in these songs (the same goes for people at the Mission I go to every now and then). It is to take the narrative of the Bible and apply it to the experiences of the people. There is no detached attainment of truth here. Were You There Were you there when they crucified my Lord Oh were you there when they crucified my Lord (Oooh sometimes it causes me to tremble) tremble Were you there when they crucified my Lord Were you there when they nailed him to the cross Were you there when they nailed him to the cross (Oooh sometimes it causes me to tremble) tremble Were you there when they nailed him to the cross
(Were you there when they laid him in the tomb Were you there when they laid him in the tomb Oooh sometimes it causes me to tremble) tremble Were you there when they laid him in the tomb Well were you there when the stone was rolled away Were you there when the stone was rolled away (Oooh sometimes it causes me to tremble) tremble Were you there when the stone was rolled away
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